

Brian Chapman

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A Brief Autobiography

Brian Chapman, originally from Milwaukee, became "Born Again/Above" in 1995 while attending UW-Platteville his sophomore year, this is when he began turning away from his sin.

He graduated from UW-Platteville in 1998 with his B.A. in Social Sciences / History/Geography, got married to Angela Kay Van Marter on August 14th, 1999, (also a UW-P grad.) and are the proud parents of 5 beautiful children; Josiah, Thomas, Ellianna, & Samuel, and Hannah.

In October of 2002, Brian started his first painting business, Chapman's Painting Service, Inc., which serviced the Lake Geneva Community prospered for10 years (2001-2011).

Brian received his directive from God to serve of God’s children in January of 2007 at a church conference during the prayer meeting that had followed. Specifically, Jesus (Yeshua) instructed Brian to move back to his college town of Platteville, to hold Fellowship Meetings (Philemon 1:2), and proclaim the Good News of the Christ (Ha Mashiach / Messiah).

In 2008, Brian started his 2nd business in Grant County, Straightway Painting & Plastering, Inc.

In March 2011 Brian and family then made the move back to Platteville.

Brian and his family have been teaching and encouraging the people in Platteville to love and surrender more of their lives to God.

Brian and family are hoping, trusting, relying, and believing in Our Heavenly Father’s promise for the harvest of souls in whom He wishes to RESCUE and DELIVER, through Jesus, the Christ. (Joshua, the Anointed One) – (Yeshua Ha Mashiach)

Brian and family have been keeping more of Our Dad’s instructions since October 2017, in “remembering” the Sabbath day, and practicing dietary instruction (Exodus 20 & Leviticus 11), and have been blessed in doing so. Shalom (Peace) to you and your family.